The Student Council Inauguration ceremony marked the beginning of a new chapter in student leadership at Padua college of commerce and management. The event had eminent personalities gracing the occasion

Rev Fr Walter Dsouza,Correspondent of Padua educational institution President over the function. Dr Devi Prabha Alva,Associate professor St Agnes College

Autonomous was the esteemed chief guest for the day. Mr Ashwin Dcosta,Manager KPMG Pct ltd,Bangalore was the Guest of honour. Rev Fr Arun Wilson Lobo,principal Padua college of commerce and management, Prof Roshan Santhumayor Vice Principal, Mrs Zeena and Mrs Akshatha Student Council Cordinators accompanied the Guests on the Dias,including the newly Elected Student Council President Ms Lavanya and the secretary Ms Chaitra.

The program began with blessings of the Almighty. The gathering was welcomed by Mrs Zeena Cornelio, Student Council Cordinator, followed by the Inauguration and the oath taking ceremony lead by Principal Arun Wilson Lobo.

Rev Fr Walter Dsouza,Correspondent blessed the newly formed Student Council members and wished them success as Leaders Mr Ashwin Dcosta, inspired the Student Council members be a role model to others by coming good and efficient Leaders.

Dr Devi Prabha Alva, made the Leaders understand their ability and inculcated in them the spirit of true leadership,motivating them to be future Leaders in the society.

Student council Prseident Ms Lavanya kept forward her first presidential speech filled with promise and hopes for the new academic year.

The program was compared by students Mr Clide and Mr Shannon.

The program concluded with secretary Chaitra proposing the vote of thanks.A short Cultural program took place after the formal Inauguration function.

The Student Council Inauguration ceremony was a resounding success, marking the beginning of a new era in student leadership. The new team is eager to take on the challenges and opportunities that lie ahead, and we wish them all the best in their endeavors.







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