The Student Council Inauguration for the academic year 2023-24 was held on 30th September, 2023. This significant event was graced by V. Rev. Fr Vincent Monteiro, the Correspondent of Padua Educational Institutions, serving as the president of the program. The chief guest, Dr Prabhakar Neermarga, former deputy registrar of Mangalore University and the principal of MAPS Evening College delivered an inspiring address. Mariamma Thomas, an advocate and former corporator from Mangaluru, was the guest of honour.

Among the distinguished guests were Rev. Fr Arun Wilson Lobo, the principal of Padua College of Commerce and Management, and Prof. Roshan Santhumayor, the vice principal. The event coordinators, Prof Akshatha and Zeena, played a crucial role in organizing the event smoothly. Wilson D'Souza was sworn in as the Student Council president, with Melita serving as the secretary.

The oath-taking ceremony for the Student Council, led by the principal, saw 17 Student Council members pledging their commitment to their roles. The compèring of the event was eloquently handled by Alwyn and Melita Rosario. Dr Prabhakar Neermarga gave his best wishes and inspired the student members to embody good leadership qualities. Mariamma Thomas encouraged the students to aspire to be young leaders and drive the nation towards a bright future.

The program ended with Melita, secretary, delivering the vote of thanks followed by a wonderful cultural program by the students.












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